serve with us

Delivering the restorative hope of Jesus to a world in need.

Serving others with our lives,
in the end,
is a matter of the heart.

St John’s is a community built on the foundation of Jesus Christ and his love.  He has called us his beloved children.  Because we are the children of God, we are called to a life of being loved and loving others.

Please use the Categories menu below to find the ministry area you're interested in. Or just take a look around, you never know where God might be calling you to serve and lean into St. John's mission of delivering the restorative hope of Jesus to a world in need.

We're reaching out to our communityt!

Volunteer at the Communtiy Egg Hunt

We are reaching out to our community at Easter. YOU CAN HELP with: setup, clean up, popcorn, games, inflatables, face painting, crafts, and -  We Need Candy Donations!

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Egg Hunt Team

We are reaching out to our community at Easter. YOU CAN HELP with: setup, clean up, popcorn, games, inflatables, face...

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Not Sure Where to Serve?

We can help. Fill out our contact form and we can help you find the best fit.

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Blood Drive

American Red Cross Blood Drive at St.John's Orange. One donation can save 3 lives. Please make an appointment ONLINE prior to...

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MVC Firstfruits

Get Involved with MVC Firstfruits St. John's Ministry to Vulnerable Children    On the First Sunday of every...

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