Blood Drive

Blood is Always Needed.

 "Share your good health!"

You're life-saving blood is needed. Please make an appointment to donate.
Be confident that the Red Cross has put additional precautions in place to protect the health of safety of donors and staff.

American Red Cross Blood Drive

Sunday, March 16, 2025
8:00am – 2:00pm 

One donation can save 3 lives & our church goal is to collect 65 pints of life saving blood, which can help as many as 195 people!
Please join us!

Please make your appointment online BEFORE the event.


Schedule Appointment

Are you eligible to give blood?  click here to find out
or Call:  1-800 Red Cross

 Contact Katie




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Making An Impact!

Ministry to Vulnerable Children

Through our partnership with Olive Crest and Orange County Social Services, St. John's has been making a positive impact on the lives Kinship and Foster Families in the Orange County Area. Click on the video to find out about the Caregiver's Day Off ministry!

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