Grief Share Support Group
Every Tuesday, from 04/08/2025 to 07/01/2025, 7:00 PM
Grief isn't a journey you wanted to take. But you don’t have to do it alone.
Sometimes crisis, major life transitions, or an ongoing situation might make it difficult to fully participate in our discipleship process. The good news is that no matter what we are going through, God’s love never fails, and He has called us as a community of God’s people to care for God’s people—each other!
St. John's Care Team strives to provide spiritual support and encouragement during times of crisis or transition. You don’t need to deal with serious illness or injury, death of a family member or family crisis alone. One of our pastors or our Prayer and Congregational Care Coordinator, can speak with you and get you the care you need.
If you have difficulty getting to worship services due to illness/injury, rehabilitation or a long hospital stay, home/hospital visitation is available. We coordinate visits from our team of pastors, staff, and lay volunteers.
Our staff is available to provide spiritual support and encouragement during times of crisis or transition. You don’t need to deal with serious illness or injury, death of a family member or family crisis alone. One of our pastors or our Prayer and Congregational Care Coordinator, can speak with you and get you the care you need.
If you are ill, recovering from surgery, in the hospital, have lost a loved one, or have welcomed a new baby into your family, our meal ministry team can support you with meals. You will also be provided a personal website where you can provide updates to family and friends, and reach out to them for additional help such as rides, childcare, and errands---some even use their site to schedule visitors so they are not overwhelmed all at once.
St. John’s has resources available for those members experiencing financial crisis. Depending on the situation, this may include grocery assistance, Gap Fund assistance, or outside referrals and service collaboration. We can confidentially and discreetly assist with this.
We provide funeral and memorial services for members of our St. John’s community and, if pastors and resources are available, for family members of our members. If need be, we can point you in the right direction for other help such as mortuary and burial services. As soon as possible following a death.
Over 100 years ago, the St. John’s family established their own cemetery. Located at two sites in in the City of Santa Ana, the St. John’s Cemetery provides a loving and lasting resting place for members of our St. John’s family.
We would love your help with; contacting people to check in, sending cards for birthdays and special anniversaries. You can volunteer as one our funeral reception hosts or help to assemble gift bags each year for "Homebound for Holidays."
You're invited to become a member of our Visitation Team for the homebound and Hospitalized, to participate on the Prayer Teams, or God may be calling you to help others by helping to facilitate one of our Tuesday night support groups.
Team members serve the homebound, isolated, ill, and hospitalized through phone calls...
St. John’s is a really big place. In order to care well for each other, we strive to be a...
These teams work entirely online. You simply sign up using this form, we put you on a...