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Sunday School

Sundays at 10:30am

  • 3 Years and Under:  NURSERY - located between the Sanctuary and Walker Hall off the Courtyard.
  • Preschool Sunday School:  CORNERSTONE - entrance located on Almond Ave
  • Grades K to 5:  CORNERSTONE - entrance located on Almond Ave

The Nursery is available during both the 8:30 am and 10:30 am services and is located between The Sanctuary and Walker Hall off The Courtyard.

  • 8:30am service = 5 years and under
  • 10:30am service = 3 years and under

For safety, all children need to have a Participation Form on file.

Please use the link below to complete the ONLINE form, 

Thank You!

Participation Form

YOUTH STYLE  Teaching Church

9:45 AM, Sunday Mornings in The Garage
We dive into important discussions of how our faith intersects our daily lives.

YOUTH in GRADES 6 to 12 are Welcome!


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Get Involved

ministry team

Irma Bates

Director of Children's Ministry

office: 714-288-4490

Sarah Morner

High School & Young Adults

office: 714-288-4400 ext. 1502