Holy Week & Easter 2025  SERVICE TIMES / EGG HUNT

Ministry to Vulnerable Children

St. John’s Ministry to Vulnerable Children

surrounds children and their families with care and support.   Many years ago, St. John’s began wrapping their arms around Kinship and Foster Families in the Orange County Area and providing the children and their caregivers with support, care, and respite.   Our God sized vision is to come alongside these children and be the church and family they need.

 We see in scripture that God "sets the lonely in families" (Psalm 68:6), and that we have especially been called to care for children and families that are in need.

 As a church, St. John’s has 3 different ministries designed to bring support and care to these families.  Whether you choose to be a part of our Caregiver’s Day Off, join a Care Community, or become a Strong Family Host, there is a way for everyone to lend a hand and heart to this ministry. 

Signature Ministries

MVC Firstfruits

On the First Sunday of every month, you'll find us at the Welcome Table in The Courtyard...

Care Communities

A Care Community is an engineered team of 4 to 8 committed volunteers who support and...


Kinship-Caregiver's Day Off Ministry 
On the 3rd Saturday of every month, St John’s offers respite care for kinship and RFA caregivers.  Kinship and RFA families drop off their children from newborns to teens as our volunteers spend time playing age appropriate games and crafts and having fun with the children, while the caregivers get an opportunity to have some time off.  Volunteer yourself or bring the whole family to helpPsalm 68:6a 

Care Communities 
An Engineered team (much like an extended family) of 4-8 committed volunteers support and serve a kinship or foster family and their children.  This team provides regular and ongoing practical help such as meals, childcare, taking them to Sunday School, prayer and more. This is our church's God Sized Vision of coming alongside families in need and is a great way to serve on your own or with your family or life group.   James 1:27

Strong Families 
Strong Families for children is a crucial safety net for the children when their caregivers are in crisis.  A Strong Family Host brings the children into their home for a short period of time, while the organization helps the caretaker become stable again.  Matthew 25:40 


Ready to get involved? 
Have Questions?

Contact:   Erica Berlen
714-288-4400 ext. 1511

ministry team

Erica Berlen

Missions & Outreach Coordinator

office: 714-288-4400 ext. 1511