Sunday School - 4th & 5th

Every Sunday, 10:30 AM

About the Event


Sunday School for 4th and 5th Graders

Every week during the 10:30am Service

LOCATION: The Cornerstone 
(Entrance is on Almond St.)

St. John's Sunday School curriculum works alongside our discipleship pathway to Connect to God, Grow Together, and Share Christ, as we deliver the Restorative Hope of Jesus in a way that is made relevant to each child's age and stage of life. It’s our priority that your child learns they are loved by God and that He knows them!



Questions? Contact:
Irma Bates

Just as seasons come and go, so do our emotions. And how we choose to handle those emotions can shape us and teach us a lot about how God cares for us. Jesus showed us how to face life with resilience, and because of it, we can trust God no matter what.
  • Week 1 Jesus Wept // John 11:1-45 // When you’re sad, remember you’re not alone.
  • Week 2 Do Not Worry // Matthew 6:25-34 // When you’re worried, trust God.
  • Week 3 Slow to Anger // James 1:19 // When you’re angry, talk to God.
  • Week 4 Paul and Silas //Acts 16:16-40 // God can help you choose joy.
God is one of a kind—with no beginning and no end. Everything God has created is unique, including people. Every person is an original reflection, made in the image of God.
  • Week 1 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made // Psalm 139:1-14 // God made you, knows you, loves you
  • Week 2 The Burning Bush // Exodus 3-4:15 // God made you to make a difference
  • Week 3 Lydia // Acts 16:13-15 // Use your gifts to make a difference
  • Week 4 Timothy // 1 Timothy 4:12 // You can make a difference right now
God created us to work together in community. When we cooperate, we reflect what Jesus envisioned for His followers. Our love for one another can point people back to Jesus.
  • Week 1 Jesus and His Followers // Luke 5, 6, 8 // Jesus wants us to work together
  • Week 2 Joshua Wins the Battle // Exodus 17:8-13 // Work together to help someone succeed
  • Week 3 Nehemiah Rebuilds // Nehemiah 1-4; 6:15 // Work together to solve problems
  • Week 4 Four Friends Work Together // Luke 5:17-26 // Work together to help someone in need
We can’t always understand why things happen. But we can believe in a God who keeps promises. We can have hope—even in the toughest times—because we know God can make something good out of something bad.
  • Week 1 Keep Looking to Jesus // Hebrews 12:1-3 // Whatever happens, we look to Jesus
  • Week 2 Palm Sunday // John 12:12-16 // Whatever happens, God is still working
  • Week 3 Crucifixion and Resurrection // John 18-20:1-18 // Whatever happens, Jesus is alive
  • Week 4 Jesus Appears to Thomas // John 20:19-29 // God is bigger than our questions
God took the initiative to send Jesus because of our sin. Jesus came so that we could be brought back into a relationship with God, making things right again. When we see a need and choose to do something about it, people can see the reality of God’s love for them.
  • Week 1 God So Loved the World. // John 3:16-17 // God took care of our greatest need
  • Week 2 Miriam Takes Initiative // Exodus 2:1-10 // Look for ways to help others
  • Week 3 Parable of the Talents // Matthew 25:14-30 // Use what God has given us
  • Week 4 John's Disciples Follow Jesus // John 1:35-42 // Jesus wants us share the Gospel
  • Week 5 Jesus Heals a Suffering Woman // Mark 5:25-34 // Jesus wants to connect with us

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If you haven't already filled out a Participation Form for your child please do so.  Great news! You only have to fill out the form once per year and it is good for most Kids Activities such as Sunday School, Fellowship Events, and Bible Study.