About the Event
MomsLife is a community for moms to find joy and learn together while growing in God's Word. We have fun sharing and supporting each other in the journey of motherhood. Join moms in community as we hear from speakers, learn new things and encourage one another in the joys of life and motherhood.
Fall Schedule:
1st and 3rd Thursdays in The Garage at 8:30am
Winter/Spring Schedule:
January 16- This week we will meet in the Circle for coffee. Email us for the location.
February 6 and 20
March 6 and 20
April 3
May 1
Nursery childcare (ages 0-5) is available for $25 per child per semester. Siblings are an additional $5 each per semester.
Sign Up!
Suzy Purrington
Brooke Hollatz