Men's Ministry

at St. John's Orange
Pouring into men the overflowing love of Christ.
Men pouring out the love of Christ in their families, church, and community.

"And hope does not put us to shame, because God's Love had been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."

Romans 5:5

"Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them."

—John 7:38

Men's On-Campus Groups:


Grow in The Word and in relationship with the men of St. John's Orange
Every Tuesday at 7am, in the Garage
Studies range from relevant topical discussions to verse-by-verse studies.
All men are welcome.

Leader: Pastor Greg Otte

More info contact: Jen Bradtke

Building Men for Others

Men's Bible study and fellowship. 
Wednesday Mornings 6:30-8am  |  dining room  |  year around

Leader: Richard Hahs  


Men's Monday Night Fellowship

Twice a month on Mondays // 7pm in The Garage Teaching Room
Connect with the men of our congregation. We share the Word, pray and live this Christian life together.
Leader: Steve Pinson 


Saturday Moring Men's Bible Study

6:30am in The Garage
A time for men to fellowship, gathered around the Christ-centered Word of God.
Leader: Leonardo Berlen 



Browse Men's Groups on my st.john's


Upcoming Events

Tuesday Morning Men

Tuesday Morning Men's Bible Study

Every Tuesday, 7:00 AM
Led by Pastor Otte. Studies range from relevant topical discussions to verse-by-verse studies.

Wednesday Morning Men

Wednesday Morning Men's Bible Study

Every Wednesday, 7:00 AM
Grow in The Word and in relationship with the men of St. John's Orange

Teaching Church

Teaching Church

Every Sunday, 9:45 AM
An in-depth teaching Bible Study between services on Sunday mornings from 9:45 to 10:25 - held in Walker Hall Dining Room. Grab coffee and a donut, grow in God's Word, and connect with your church...


Men's Breakfast

Saturday, April 05, 2025, 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
a great breakfast and fellowship with other men

ministry team

Jen Bradtke

Administrative Assistant to Adult Ministries

office: 714-288-4419